Creating A Robot Ready Workforce

The role of technology in businesses has never been more obvious and industries are accelerating their digital transformation, technologies such as Robotics and digital payments are becoming part of our daily lives which in turn is helping society as a whole become much more resilient in the current crisis.


Whilst working from home certainly has its advantages, finding and maintaining motivation, managing pressure and challenges collaborating with colleagues are all real struggles for anyone working remotely from home.


Business are facing a crisis in many ways as employee’s are burdened with lengthy processes and routine tasks often causing extreme anxiety and frustration. Many employee’s find themselves trying to cut corners wasting both their own and the businesses time.


Dependable processes are essential but manual paper based and overly complex processes such as banking, insurance claims or retail returns seem to have been hit hardest by the pandemic.  The move from offices to homes has only increased frustration for both staff and customers.  Therefore businesses desperately need to simplify their processes and with many new businesses adopting new technology, it now seems the right time to make the most of these new technologies.


Recent research has shown that businesses that are already making good use of Robots and new technologies have seen massive increases in efficiency and collaboration.  Employee’s feedback is certainly positive and employees have reported that the Robotics helping hand which sorts through mundane data documents, providing digital documents and providing prompts for pending tasks.


Moving forward, its really time for leaders to tap into vital technologies like process intelligence  and process mining to support their digital transformation journey.  This will help business owners to optimize productivity of their staff, meeting the demands and customer expectations.


Robot Automation is another similar concept where robotics are being used to take care of mundane and often dangerous tasks within businesses, much the same as working with Data, Robots are being employed to take over repetitive tasks allowing staff to move on to usually better paid and more qualifies roles.


It’s now time for business leaders to embark on digital transformation in order to embrace the future of business with a Robotic helping hand.