Pepper Robot Price

Pepper Robot Price

Pepper is a semi-human robot made by SoftBank Robotics, developed with the skill to read through emotions. It was first presented in June 5, 2014 in a conference andits available in Softbank mobile phone stores in Japan the very next day. Pepper’s robot has inbuilt capacity to spot emotions that comes from the capacity to analyze expressions and voice tones. Pepper is a robot shaped in a child height, it has been designed to be a genuine companion that perceives and acts upon a range of human emotions.

Pepper robot was to be made available in December 2015 at a flare rate of JPY 198,000 ($1,931) at Softbank Mobile stores. Pepper was put on sale in June 2015 for 198,000 yen ($1650), with the first batch of 1,000 units selling out in just one minute.

Pepper then launched in the UK in 2016 and there are currently two versions available.

By May 2018, 12,000 Pepper robots had already been sold in Europe.

In the UK, Pepper is currently being used as a receptionist at several offices and with the use of facial recognition, the robot is able to recognise visitors, send alerts for meeting co-ordinators and organize for drinks to be made available. Pepper robot is even said to be able to chat with prospective clients.

At banks and medical facilities in Japan, the robot is completely made us of, using applications created by seikatsuKakumei and it is also used in Hamazushi restaurants in Japan, in all its branches.

The number of Peppers sold to date is worthy of being recognized.  Recently, there are likely close to 10,000 Peppers out here in the world. Online sales pepper robothave been 1,000 units every month for not less than seven months with an additional sales to businesses such as Nestle for their coffee shops and SoftBank for their telecom stores.

The price of pepper robot is about $1,500 per robot, 10,000 pepper robots is equal to $15 million in sales but Peppers are only sold on paymentagreement that involves a network data plan and equipment insurance. This costs $360 per month and paid over 36 months, brings the total cost of ownership to over $14,000. It could range from $14,000 – $14,600.

It is expensive to own the robot, that is why it is mostly used by businesses.

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