The factory Of The Future-Robotic Automation.
Robotic Automation is set to increase considerably by 2030 boosting both the economy and Jobs within many Industries. The productivity benefits from automation will boost growth meaning more jobs will be created than lost.
Although the most impact by Robots will be felt in the manufacturing Industry, other sectors including service Industries will also see an increase. The government now has challenges ahead to provide correct and factual information outlining how Robot Automation can greatly encourage and increase Productivity within many Industries.
In many Countries such as Japan and the Netherlands, manufacturing activities and material flows are handled entirely automatically. The new wave of automation will be driven by the motivation to improve quality, eliminate errors, increase productivity and increase safety.
As Robot production has increased due to the demand of Robot Automation, the costs have decreased considerably. The past 30 years have seen Robot prices fall by half in real terms and the software used to operate these Robots has been simplified considerably meaning there are now many more people with the skills to design, operate and install Robot production.
The availability of Robot software such as simulation packages or offline programming systems that test Robotic applications has reduced engineering time and risk. Advances in software development techniques and networking technologies have made installing, maintaining and assembling Robots faster and less costly.
Robots are certainly getting smarter too, earlier Robots would blindly follow the same path, latest generations of Robots will integrate information from multiple sensors and adapt their movements in real time.
They will also make use of powerful Computer technology and big data-style analysis, an example would be to use spectral analysis to check the quality of a Weld as it is actually being made, reducing the amount of inspection required after manufacture.